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Jack is put out to stud 01

It was Lillian whose idea it was. As she lay back on her bed panting after one of her regular energetic love making sessions with her husband Jack she had been thinking about how lucky they were to still enjoy sex so much after 25 years of marriage and both just having passed their 50th birthdays.

Her mind wandered back to a conversation she had had with Jack earlier that day. She had beeen telling him how many women who she worked with at the local supermarket complained that they didn’t get enough sex. Husbands too tired, too drunk, too missing, all sorts of sad stories.

She had joked with Jack that she couldn’t see a time when he would ever be any of those things. The tussle and larking about which had followed this remark had led to her now laying on her back with a warm glow and a damp trickle between her legs. In this post coital comfort the idea was born.

“Hey honey” she said “how would you fancy going out to stud”

Jack laughed “ I am not going to be breeding many thoroughbreds now darling, we should have thought about that possibility before I had the snip all those years ago”

But Lilian was not to be put off.

“I don’t mean to breed, I mean just for the sex” and she reminded him about the frustrated women she worked with. Jack was still sceptical but later that evening with a couple of glasses of good Rioja in him he brought the subject up again and by bedtime Lillian had convinced him that he would both be performing an act of charity for needy women and that this was something to give their sex lives an exciting twist.

Jack had to work in London for a few days and as he left the next morning Lillian promised him that she would turn the spare bedroom in to a sex palace and have his first customer ready for the weekend. Despite his earlier reservations Jack felt the familiar stirring in his groin as he thought about the prospect on the train journey to London.

And she was good to her word. Jack whistled with appreciation when he saw the results on Friday night. The bed had gone and a new king sized divan had replaced it with satin cushions propped up against the head. New sheepskin rugs were scattered around the floor and boy oh boy a flat screen television was mounted on the wall to the foot of the bed – in a prime viewing position. The TV was connected up to a theatre sound system and Jacks comprehensive set of porn DVDs was stacked on a shelf.

Jack was keen to try out the room before dinner but Lillian said “No, you have to save yourself for your first customer tomorrow!”

Over dinner Lillian described for jack to woman who he would be pleasuring the next day.
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Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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