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Grant's wonderful night

Grant and I were on our honeymoon and earlier that night, we had been eating out, enjoying ourselves. Grant parked his old Chrysler on the edge of the road, and we went up to our room. That night, I decided to act a little slutty and see if he wanted to do...some things.
When I asked him, his eyes lit up and he replied with an eager "Yes!"
I told him to wait on the bed, while I went and changed into my new Victoria Secret Underwear that I just got as a gift.
So, I changed, and went over to the bed, with one of the sleeves on the bra sliding down my arm.
"Hey babe."
Grant jumped off the bed and hurried over to me, where he began rubbing my breasts and kissing my neck. I pushed him back onto the bed and he looked disappointed. It was then that I started kissing him. First the neck, then on down...the chest, then the stomach, and suddenly I stopped. I noticed a bulge in his pants.
I slid off his jeans and underwear, and there I was looking at a 9 1/2 inch cock. Beautiful.
I then slid off my underwear as well, and Grant went down and started licking my pussy. I sighed with delight, and I pulled his shoulders up. It was my turn.
I went down and licked his cock. I shoved it in my mouth and sucked and rubbed. He groaned. Between sucks, I giggled. "You like it"
"Mmmm...I'm going to let off a load...OK"
I laughed with delight and positioned his cock in my mouth. Squirt. My mouth was filled with warm sticky cum.
We then started kissing, and he started trying to push his cock into my pussy. I dodged him the first couple of times, but then thought better of it.
"Fuck me hard, baby!"
Grant shoved...and drew back...and shoved...and drew back. Faster and faster and faster.
"Oooohh!" I gasped, throwing my head back.
He moved on to the back of me, and started fucking me from behind.
I groaned and gasped as his cock went farther inside of me.
It felt so good, but finally, we had to stop, and we just laid on the bed, cuddling.

The next week, I woke up feeling very sick. I went into the bathroom and vomited.
The same thing happened the next day.
I walked into the kitchen and told Grant, "I think...I'm pregnant."
Well, I was.
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Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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